The synergy of Ayre a.k.a. the

I read many great reviews of Ayre components individually (including their amps, pre-amps, integrated amp, phono stage, and CD / universal players) but don't see many complete Ayre systems listed here on the 'gon. I would think there would be advantage to a complete Ayre system that is more than just a sum of the components. Sure, it ends the journey abruptly, but for some, that may not be a bad thing. Who has bought the "whole widget", found it not to be to their liking, and decided to go back to "mix-n-match" (with success)?
Ayre works wonderfully as a system...I have:
Ayre speaker cables for 3 monoblocks...with ayre interconnects...and D1xe...great combination...I was very surprized how nice the speaker cables only disappointment was the Ayre power cable...with the Ayre L5xe power conditioner...otherwise great system...also worked nicely with Ayre K5xe preamp...and they are great folks...

Here's some news.. I have an all Ayre system with Vandersteen 5A's, and without a doubt, the Ayre cables, and Cardas cables are NOT a good match for the system. I had the 1st itteration of Ayre cables and then got the 2nd. I used it but then tried Anti-Cables.REAL CHEAP and absolutely wonderful are the Anti-Cables. NO LIE. They offer a money back guarantee if you don't like them. I am all Anti-Cables for wire..their balanced interconnect, and speaker cables. I have my V1xe between the 2 Vandersteens and have a long balanced interconnect from the K1xe. I'm happy.
I guess I should bring this thread back full circle...

I went with the Ayre AX-7e / CX-7e / P-5xe combo, but decided to go with a pair of Green Mountain Audio Callisto speakers. I was afraid that my room would be too small for a pair of Vandersteen 2ce Sig IIs.

After getting my room treated with sound panels and my equipment in my room, I was both right and wrong. The Vandersteen 2ce Sig IIs wouldn't have been too large for my room, but would have loaded the room in a bad way (particularly given my placement constraints). A pair of Martin Logan Dynamo subs run 90-degrees out-of-phase gives me a very smooth and extended low end.

I think my system / setup is a good example of what is possible in a challenged room. Plus, I think there is an inherent synergy between the GMA Callistos (balanced-phase first-order crossover design, sound field convergence capability, etc.) and the Ayre AX-7e / Ayre CX-7e / Ayre P-5xe (fully balanced circuitry, zero-feedback design, and focus on the power supplies). Also, I’m pleased with the sliver-plated copper in my Purist cables, and my XLR-terminated Origin Live Silver tone arm (although I need *many* more hours on my analog front-end to catch up to my digital front end).

But I digress...
Very nice.

So, who's your guitar hero?

Do you know about these drivers?