Looking for an integrated tube amp USA or Europe

I think about getting something for my son as his birthday is right around the corner, but most of what I see is Chinese. I won't buy Chinese, but I need a recommendation of something made in the US, Canada, or Europe.

Any ideas???



Rotel RA-1062, 450.00 to 495.00 used. Great value. 60 watts per channel, remote controlled, built in phono, good build quality, surprisingly good sound, two sets of speaker terminals. Next step up would recommend YBA Integre DT, not really more power, but very refined sound, 1100.00 to 1350.00 depending on whether it is remote controlled and has phono stage. Good luck!
Audio Aero, Audio Research, Manley, McIntosh, Mesa, Rogue, Unison Research...

Good luck on the search!
02-26-07: Rushbattle
I love my SLI-80 but the going used price is about 1800 rather than 1500. It is quite powerful for a tubed integrated so it can drive more speakers than other tubed integrateds.

You own a SLI-80 Signature, which may cost $1800 used, you can get a SLI-80 (non-Signature) for $1500. However, it is a mute point since Nrchy doesn't like the SLI-80:

02-26-07: Nrchy
John - I used a Cary for about a month and decided then that I would never buy one. Talk about lifeless and boring!

For EAR products, I very much like the 869's Enhanced SET mode and super-long-life tubes - caveat, it only has 14.5 watts. For more power, I like both the Manley Stingray and VTL IT-85.