Looking for an integrated tube amp USA or Europe

I think about getting something for my son as his birthday is right around the corner, but most of what I see is Chinese. I won't buy Chinese, but I need a recommendation of something made in the US, Canada, or Europe.

Any ideas???



02-26-07: Rushbattle
I love my SLI-80 but the going used price is about 1800 rather than 1500. It is quite powerful for a tubed integrated so it can drive more speakers than other tubed integrateds.

You own a SLI-80 Signature, which may cost $1800 used, you can get a SLI-80 (non-Signature) for $1500. However, it is a mute point since Nrchy doesn't like the SLI-80:

02-26-07: Nrchy
John - I used a Cary for about a month and decided then that I would never buy one. Talk about lifeless and boring!

For EAR products, I very much like the 869's Enhanced SET mode and super-long-life tubes - caveat, it only has 14.5 watts. For more power, I like both the Manley Stingray and VTL IT-85.