No Pain No Gain?

I am wondering if anybody has some useful advice as to the true function of gain settings and their sonic effects other than volume control. I have a ML 32 which has the possibility set set gain for each input at 0/+6/+12/+18db and an EMMlabs CDSA-SE cd player that has a high/low gain option (I believe +14/+18db). What would be the optimal setting? Or is it totally based on personal taste, or is this functionality only really for matching volume levels for several differing sources?

Any helpful comments on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

It's based on the sufficient input level to your amplifier
2)The output 20-20kHz impedance of the pre depending upon level (it may be identical at all settings or it may not).

With this kind of Gain, you have the Flexibility to drive more Amps at the optimum. Some Amps don't fit well together with the Preamp, same for the Inputs, specially when you use a very low output MC with a Phono Stage which is a bit low from the Gain for this cartridge, with such a Feature you can improve that, too.
Thanks for all your response. At certain levels of higher gain settings I believe it amplified hiss levels, when they are already on the recording. So I am now inclined to have the pre-amp setting at 0 db gain with the EMMLabs player at high (+18db). I just love the absolute blackness, and silent parts - of musical passages - in Classical and Jazz recordings.

If and when I do get a record player, I guess we'll have to experiment with the gain setting/matching more carefully.

Mr Tennis, I'm no bodybuilder, but they would argue that the opposite holds true for them, no pain no gain :-)

But the Emmlabs unfortunately doesn't come with a no gain option. The lesser the gain, the higher you need to turn up volume, the more you get distortion and/or noise. The best result for my system for now is high gain setting on the CDP and 0db or 6db on the pre-amp, depending on the CD recording. Great that I can change that easily by remote.
