Amazingly Close to Krell Sound

A few years ago, I sold my Krell KSA 80B to my brother in law. 80 lbs was nothing to a tree climber with his own landscaping business. Well, diabetes has caused huge health problems in the last few years and he's asking me to help him.
He loves the Krell sound. But he has absolutely no energy to move his amp. Each time his health fails further (recently lost a toe) he has to get help moving his amp. (moved from his own home to a large one floor apt. then from there to a floor in his brother's home) Folks don't mind doing it, but that's not what he wants. We've read about the KSA 50 being warmer, and that appeals to him, and he likes the KSA 80b's sound. Here's what we were wondering:
1. ...of the Krell owners, what is the closest company to the Krell sound? PASS? Spectral? Who?
2. How much do the KAV amps different from the KSA amps if there is no answer to #1 as any other amp being close?
3. I'm going to have to sell his KSA80, I'll send it back to Krell for their stamp of approval, and sell it here and have it shipped from there. So what can I get him for about $800 that will be 40lbs and sound as absolutely close as possible.
I'm sure you folks can help me. Krell experience a must for this one.
Yes, I know system dependancy is important, but we'll leave that as a constant, "you've had Krell, you've loved Krell" and go from there.
he's had yamaha NS500's Ns 1000's, VanderStein 3's, and is now running some I built for him with Vifa aluminum dome (like the Vanders) and Dynaudio 7's, polyprope caps with teflon bipass caps and silver clad 6 9's copper wire. Now that he's going with smaller woofers, that tight solid bass is a must. He's running a Krell KAV 250CD and a McIntosh tube FM Tunor, into a Krell PAM-5 pre.
Okay, another post for more help on this, so we can stay on topic. Help... I really want to help him.
If Krell did ever make a tube amp, I am sure they would still find a way to make the sibilance cut your eyeballs out when you listened.
Regarding the Krell 300i integrated amp, in my opinion this does NOT have the famous Krell sound and is really a mediocre amp/integrated amp. The 400 is a step up in performance though, but still a lot to be desired.

Since weight is such an important factor I doubt you will be able to replace the Krell sound of their older amps. The FPB and previous amps had great smooth sound, great bass and were actually quite airy in the mids and highs. Many people today seem to claim the Krells as being bright and edgy (which may have some truth with some of their newer stuff, especially the audio/video/home theatre stuff)but the amps of a slightly older nature are in no way producing this type of sound. I love the FPB series and while they are capable of carrying a highly detailed signal, they do not add glare and graininess (unless it is part of the signal it is being fed, which of course any good amp should do - vs. stomping on the signal by smoothing it out).

If I liked the sound of the digital/switching type amps, then I would recommend these based on weight alone (part of your requisite); however, I have yet to hear a digital amp that I could ever be happy with (please no bashing here, I have not heard them all).
Several years ago I switched from a KSA 50s that I really liked to Odyssey Monos because I needed more output. The character of The Monos was very, very close to the Krell. Neither amp was remotely hard or edgy and my guess is, if you like Krell you'll like Odyssey. More power and fewer $ are the bonus here.

Good Luck

from Don Shaulis review in January issue of Stereo Times:

"I have never heard Moussorgsky: Night on Bald Mountain/Pictures at an Exhibition [Telarc B000003CSH] before. Oh, I have owned the CD for years but I never really “heard it” before. The Spectron presented the softer passages with such inner detail they became seductive but the real surprise came in the crescendos. The peaks reached were a revelation. It wasn’t that the Spectron could play loud, it was that I wanted the music louder. For the first time the crescendos were reproduced with full fury but no smearing or harsh edge that demanded the volume be reduced. Now, after many years, I finally “get” this fine recording. "

Well, with "pulerising power" (Neil Gader of TAS) of 2500 watts peak power over 500 msec and ultralow distortions AND low weight of 52 lbs - your clear cut solution is
Spectron Audio Musician III SE

All The Best