Krell FPB Amps-biwiring

I notice you can truly bi-wire these amps, essentially with two speaker cables. I have speakers that can be bi-wired, so should I take advantage of this and get some extra cable? Wondering if anyone has tried this with this amp and if they can speak to their experience sonically with it.

That is correct you can use either posts on the Krell and if you currently have jumpers on your speakers they should be removed.You can check the pictures on my system.
Kens...I LOVE your system, it is awesome! Thanks for the pics. As soon as mine is done I will be posting pics as well.
So the remaining question here is...Is the extra investment in the extra set of speaker cable worth the gain in sound? I have been bi-wiring for years, just not truly bi-wiring on both ends. I feel b&w sounds better with bi-wire configuration, bit didn't notice a huge difference.

Just wondering if anyone with an amp capable of true biwire noticed a difference.
Another note.

It is great that Krell provides 2 binding posts per channel, but bi-wiring using one post is no different sonically than using the two; it just makes it easier.

The term used here of "true bi-wiring" doesn't really mean anything.

I guess, if your wire is not overpriced like alot of the cables you can buy out there, making use of this feature seems ok. Especially for someone who has never had the feature before.

I have experimented with alot of cables over the years, some very very pricey, None ever living up to the price sonically , and eventually came back to Kimber 8tc. I won't be paying high prices for speaker cable ever again, unless there is no further hardware upgrades that I could make. Seeing that 8tc can be found for reasonable prices I may give this a shot, if nothing else just for the look of a ridiculously over-wired, over-amplified two channel system. : )