Nufore ref 9 se vs kharma mp150


have enyone compared the to?

I know there is a claas d review out there ,where the compared different class d amps and also the to above.

But im not abel to get acces to the review also i would rather hear oppinions from people in here.

Kharma speakers, in my opinion, tends to be on the bright side, while Sonus Faber speakers tend to be mellower. Avalon is about in the middle-ground. Regardless, I think you should listen yourself, with the amps in your system.
Tda2200, I haven't any experience with Sonus Faber speakers so I wouldn't have a clue as to the synergy between your speakers and the NuForce SE's. If you enjoy startling dynamics and in remarkable transparency the SE's should work for you.

If your not happy with them you should be able to get a decent return on your modest investment if you purchase them used. I think there's a thirty day trial period on a new purchase from an authorized dealer.

Have Fun

Hi i think i will go and try out thise ref se amps and see if it will work out as good as i hope.
The are also somwhat cheaper then the kharmas so it really is a no brainer.
