Capacitors for BAT VK-60

I'm planning to change the Jensen caps.
I don't really like how they(Jensens) sound so I've been thinking about Multicaps, Auricaps or the red Dynamicaps.
Any suggestion?
Has anyone did a change like this and how was the sound after that?
Damaradona, I see that you are new here and this is your first thread. Welcome to AudiogoN.

I say 'we' because 'we' are the AudiogoN members who generally respond to threads posted on AudiogoN. Most of us 'regulars' refer to ourselves as 'we' when asking for clarifying information. Search the archives, you'll see.
In the future, if you wish your point to be more clearly understood, you need to set some parameters. No where in your original post was there any mention of price range or what color sound you were looking for. Later in the thread it became apparent that you are looking for warmer, less expensive caps. Please don't get upset at me because your original post was vague.

As for additional comments, I agree with Jefferybehr, you should be looking in other directions for warmer sound, not the caps. Try the tube-rolling or different cables and/or power cords. If all of this fails, try an equalizer or start replacing gear. I've heard the BAT and the CAT, I don't think they are the offending problem though.

I tried a few brands like Cardas cables and p-cords which are warm-sounding but the difference was not so important.
So, I'll try a few tubes first, now I'm using some TELAM 6N8S I think...

I will repeat,thanks for your support John.
I have experimented with the Jensen copper foil oil caps and did not find them warm at all. I"ll share a neat trick to warm up the sound of most any cap. On the output lead of the capacitor, solder on a 1" pigtail of Kimber varistrand copper wire. So, at the circuit board connection and the capacitor lead out wire is were you make your solder connections.
Damaradona - If you felt that the Cardas cables and power cords didn't make enough difference, I am not sure capacitors will either. I think you need to try different amps instead. This will give you the big change that you seek, especially since you say the sound wasn't thin until you got the VK-60. Just my 2 cents based on what you have said so far. Changing tubes can have a big impact but it won't be as much change as, say, a McIntosh or VAC tube amp would bring.

Thanks Reb.

Arthur, perhaps you're right...Perhaps it won't be...
But a new replacement...?
Jesus, not again...