Help My Krell amp is too big.

I am building a new home which will have a stereo cabinet to house my components. My Krell FPB 600 2 channel amp is too long to fit in my 22" deep cabinet. Even though I love the amp, I now need to sell it. I'm thinking about two smaller monoblocks to replace it. I don't want to go backwards on quality. Suggestions? I would like to spend less than 10K. Speakers are B&W Nautilus 801's and preamp is Krell HTS 7.1. Thanks!
I would say go with either the EVO 402
or step down to a 400cx
You'll hear a drastic improvement with the 402 and should not be giving anything up except pounds going with a 400cx
as a builder i suggest you talk to your contractor. even if the cabinet is finished and installed he should STILL be able to work out something more than likely. you sound as tho it is not finished however... is there some 'other' reason for wanting to switch amps? as mentioned before, i hope that space is well vented ;^)
Thanks for the great responses. After considering everything said, I plan to get a Krell 402 Evolution and sell the FPB 600. Thanks again!
The EVOs get hot as heck too, and the 402 is still only a inch and half less in width, a little less than an inch taller, about 3 inches deeper than the FPB 400cx (??) you have. If your cabinet is only 22 inches deep, doesn't this make things worse for you?
Hiernote : you confirm that the Evo 402 is really better sounding thant the fpb series amps ? On what particular point ?
Thanks for help.