Nuforce 9.02s powering Maggies?

Does anyone have experience powering Maggies with a pair of NuForce 9.02 monoblocks? The NuForces are only rated at 160WPC but are extremely efficient. I currently use the amps to power some Von Schweikert VR4jrs and, according to my PS Audio Power Plant, are using somewhere in the range of 9-16 watts for a comfortable volume level in my room. Any experience...or speculations/predictions for a Nuforce/Maggie pairing would be appreciated!
My initial thought was a lot like what you are saying...that to get the most from the Maggies, for the best dynamics and extension, drive 'em with a high WPC amp like Bryston. (I used to own a pair of 7BSTs and they easily drove multi-driver speakers like the Paradigm 100s.) So, in your opinion, would one want to steer clear of ANY Class D amp/Maggie pairing?
In my opinion the Nu Force amps would be a less than desirable match
What do you base that opinion on, Markwatkis?

Mdrummer, where do you live? Perhaps a nearby Audiogoner with Nuforce amps will be willing to bring them over for a listen with your Maggies.
Drubin: Actually, I own a set of NuForce 9.02s that have been modded(sp?) so they are more like the SE model but with a little more friend has the Maggies. So, an 'experiment' is possible without much to risk. I'm just wondering about the power requirements of those speakers, as we have blown a fuse on a Cary V12R (50 WPC triode) during a bass heavy passage before. The basic question in my mind is: How much Class D power do you need to drive a set of 3.6R Maggies?
When I heard the NuForce 9's, not on a 3.6 but on a similar planar design, the treble sounded hard and with some HF ringing that got in my ears and other places. These were not musical amps in my op. The tweeter/ribbon in 3.6 will take that hf irritation and magnify it, I think. Though without actually doing it isn't it hard to say?
What is Class D power? Is this something new?. The last time I looked a watt was still a watt, regardless of the source of the watt, it's still a unit of energies.
Drummer mention his amp being efficient...that is not relevant. A 160 watt efficient amp will output about the same as a 160 watt not efficient amp, it will just pull less from the wall outlet.
Your newforce has a good damping factor which is nice for the bass panel but not for the MR/TW
why don't you try it, if your friend is willing. Better would be to biamp if you can find gain adjust for the newforce, with V12 on top.
Otherwise this question really of how much power is impossible to what volume, what dynamic peaks, how far away do you sit etc long is that peice of string?

In response to Drubin, I base my opinion on market research and 30 years of knowledge.The most important ideal to strive for in any audio system,whether it is budget or $$$$$$$$$ is balance.
Nu Force amps are innovative and are quite impressive in a mid fi system,however,they do not have the necessary performance capabilities to complement the speakers.3.6's are a world class speaker and require a world class amp,anything less and you are short changing the speakers and yourself.