Nuforce 9.02s powering Maggies?

Does anyone have experience powering Maggies with a pair of NuForce 9.02 monoblocks? The NuForces are only rated at 160WPC but are extremely efficient. I currently use the amps to power some Von Schweikert VR4jrs and, according to my PS Audio Power Plant, are using somewhere in the range of 9-16 watts for a comfortable volume level in my room. Any experience...or speculations/predictions for a Nuforce/Maggie pairing would be appreciated!
Hey go for it. I use the Nuforce 9.02 amps on a pair of Maggie 1.6's and they work pretty well! I have used the maggies with VAC and Odyssey Extreme amps (the Odyssey's pretty good by the way)and I like the Nuforce maggie 1.6 combo the best. The bass is great and the midrange was REALLY good. However I don't have any experience with the 3.6's. You might want to call John at the cable company and ask him about the 3.6 nuforce combo. He has tried the two together and he really likes the sound. I will say that the comment about the ringing effect is acurate. I have found that it is somewhat speaker cable dependent. I also know that the 9.02SE is suppose to have eliminated the problem.

Best wishes

Hmmm.....interesting thread. Most of our customers own Maggies.

Oh, well.....whatever.
Which supports my belief that many consumers believe the most important component in a system are speakers.
It all begins at the front end.If I may draw an analogy.You
shoot a photo with an inferior camera,you get a grainy picture,you enlarge it,looks even worse,and then you place it in an expensive frame.You've still got the blurred picture,correct.
Unless you have a musically accurate source it doesn't matter what dollars you spend downstream.