Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin


Talked to a dealer of linn and he proclamid that the solos where much superior to the klimax chakra twin.
Well he must say that bcause the cost twice as much.

However somthing that puzzels the solos are 8 year old amps and do not have the newest chakra teknologi
the chakra twin is a product from 2005 with the new chakra teknology.

Since i dont need brutal powwer for my higly efficent speaker wouldent the klimax chakra twin be the way to go ?

Hi jaf

Now i got contacted by a norwegin delaer (inside EU) and he has a pair for sale the are 2000 models the cost the same price but here in dont have to worry by danish customs an will save me alot of trouble and maby alot of money.

I asked the same qustian and here is what he came up with (he is a certified dealer )

Standby time (i.e. the time it takes for the Klimax to go into standby

if left idle) changed from 10 minutes to 20 minutes.

Jul 1999 1223

Changes to Power Supply circuitry to increase stability of supplies

at power-up.

Nov 1999 1675

Interconnect leads upgraded – from standard (black) leads to new

High-performance (silver) interconnect leads (CONN 476)

Jan 2000 1816 (/NTK)

he stated that the amps i idendical to the 2006 models

What have you heard about the preformans contra age of the klimax solos ?

sorry for the delay...was out of town....Linn even states that they are always seeking to optimize performance in their products, even throughout product lifecycle...but not states as "upgrades". even linn Klout amplifier, their previous flagship amp, the later ones were better than earlier ones... just how much are you standing to save on a 2000 set vs 2002? you can also get the serial# and give it to Linn for a history of the unit
Hi jaf

There is actually not much of a price differenc problem is the 2002 pair is located in usa.
And the country i liv in (denmark) dossent support free trade so if the get hold of the packets the will proberly let me pay 25% of the amount the cost.

I talked to linn i first talked to them about the solos age vs the chakra twin the said that the solos have been reffient throug the years so is really not a 8 year old amp enymore.

Then a week later i called them up and told them that i had a demo pair on hands that where from 1999/2000 at a fair price then he said buy them ther issent much of a difference mostly in the reliebility only.

I also talked to a frence hifi reviewer wich have heard the solos on several location throug the years he diddent think that the sound had change .

Its vey hard to get a clear answer on this subject

Im just afaid that if i get the 1999 pair a couple of month later there is a 2005 pair for sale.

And that here from a person that have had different age pair side by side conclouds that there is a major sonic differeces between them.
let me see if there are any on linns ex-dem list...these all have Linns warranty, and are always in great shape...a friend of mine has access to it, and he is in the UK. ive already sent him an email asking if there are any solos available. ill let you know.