What is "polite" sound?

I hear this term alot in audio reviews. Classe is usally said to be "polite" Have no idea what this means.

My interpretation of polite is lacking dynamics or liveliness. Generally not a good thing unless you're into background elevator-type music.
Similar to: non-aggressive, stable, relaxed, natural

As opposed to: forward, punchy, bloom.

It's more of a soundstage adjective. Not many would say Classe is lacking in dynamics or frequency extremes. I'm not that familiar with Classe but I consider "polite" a good trait of Plinius and Pass.
polite means well mannered. what is well mannered sound ?

a presentation which does not offend. unfortunately there are many descriptions of "sound" which does not offend.

the term "polite" is just another indication of the subjective nature of this hobby, but does not necessarily facilitate communication.

often conversation includes too many ambiguous or imprecise adjectives. this is another term that is not useful.

it is better to be factual than vague.

if you place 10 audiophiles in a room, there will be 11 opinions of what audiophle adjectives mean.

polite is just another audiophile adjective.
"polite" rarely uzed term would mean weak in bass and rolled highs. Tp ,e the Spendor 8 's were too polite, weak in all 3 main fq ranges. No authority for a speaker retailing at $3K. More often you will hear the term "warm" there are plenty of speakers in the warm category. Few in the "cool" category. Mine are 'cool", with no warmth in the mids at all. Hope that helps.