Aria phono preamp - Mike Elliot blog

Has anybody been following the VERY long process of Mike Elliot's development of the Aria phono preamp at

What are your thoughts?
Hi Kub.....Michael Elliot has contacted his customers that he has provided a newsgroup page for WV users to share their findings with various tubes in the line and phono stages and power supply. This is a great great idea.

Michael Elliot wrote to me that the Voltage Regulator tube has a significant impact on the sound; and I confirmed this over the weekend. But I ultimately had to change two P.S. tubes to make the performance improvement workable.

I hope to finalize on the phono stage tubes and be done with this tube listening process for awhile. Once I have it all nailed down, I will post my tube findings in the Aria newsgroup as well as look to share the overall WV experience here on A'gon.

I have been burning in my Aria WV5XL using the method prescribed by Mike Elliott. So far, I don't have anything definitive to report; it's still too soon to tell. I need to try different power cords and tubes to really get a fix.
John, can anybody access the newsgroup? I don't see info about it on the site.

off topic a bit...i'm not so sure naming his company Aria was a good idea. Searching for info regarding 'aria' is a major problem, as you can imagine.
Kub, As I understand it, Michael Elliot has had much email correspondence with a few of his customers (including myself) on the issue of tube rolling the WV. I think he felt it was more efficient to setup the newsgroup rather than try to decipher and track all this information from emails. It's a great idea. I think that once a few of us finalize on our tube choices and do some write-ups in the newsgroup, he will collect this all and make it available as additional information for all his WV customers. I don't see this being of much value to non-WV owners but you never know....perhaps for those with Counterpoint gear that use some of these same tubes in the power supplies.