VTL ST-150 w/ B&W

Not looking to hear thoughts on sonics (although feel free) as much as I am interested to hear what Tube people think about this combination with a 805s or 804s. I have had tubes with SS for a while, and now that I have the taste I want it all, from top to bottom I want tubes.

Just worried about inefficiency of a speaker, although the newer B&W's are rated at 90db, although they like to hang out in the 4ohm range alot.

Any thought would be much appreciated.
I have not heard the new 805's, previously I thought the B&W were a bit bright. This is a matter of taste of course but I did listen a lot to the older 804 and the new 804 and I found a nice improvement, less bright, cleaner midrange with more depth, more musical and easier to listen to. I liked the new 804 and 803D. I listened to the 185 VTL's a lot with the 802D, wonderful, and the Verity Audio Parsifal, truly magical. In triod, huge coherent sound stage, seemless, incredible detail, depth of soundstage and clear possitioning of instruments was superb. I do think however that a system should be well balanced and I think that money could be better spent than going the 185MB and B&W 804 or 805. I would even consider their IT 85 integrated a good match for the 805's. Now, the 185 with the Verity's, or 802D, that would be really nice. (And may find a home in my house in a few years)
Verity's are very special, especially the Parsifal. What I am trying to accomplish is a simple system, so your suggestion of an integrated is a good one and has been explored. But I want as much power as I can afford on whatever speaker I choose, so the st-150 seemed like a neat match up to the 805s. No getting much bass out of the speaker anyway, so why not tube it anyway. Otherwise I feel like I would always expect more.

I would love a monitor that is able to reveal as much information as possible, not sure if the B&W is the best choice. Although it is a great little monitor.

So based on what you have said the st-150 would be a great middle ground between the IT85 and MB185?
i've owned both the it 85 and the st 150. the 150 is undoubtedly better, especially in triode. you'll have enough power, and the midrange is definitely it's strength. that, and the overall amp's jump and excitement factor. definitely a great value.
Going today to listen to it on both sets of speakers...I brought my DAC with me so I can get an authentic feel for it. Considering I have the 5.5 and they have that I will basically be listening to exactly what I would potentially buy.

I will post my thoughts.