Help me buy a magical pre-amp that doesn't exist

I'm looking for a pre-amp, to go along with my new Behringer A500, with quite specific requirements. So far, it seems that this magical pre-amp does not exist, mostly due to the first requirement

-Costs in line with the Behringer. I will be selling a Rotel RA-02 Integrated amp so I'll have a budget of about $300-500, give or take as I'm willing to throw in some other money too if needed, to work with.

-Good sound, obviously. Neutral, no hiss.

-Solid state. I tend to leave my amps on 24/7 so tubes are frowned upon for this reason.

-Remote control. My laziness demands it.

-Balanced outputs/(at least one) input. I would prefer to run completely balanced, since I'm going into a pro crossover to separate my speakers and bass bins, then to the A500.

-Reasonable cosmetics. I hate the 80ies look. This puts Linn gear I've seen in a bad light that fits pretty much every other requirement.

-MC phono stage! Ooh, I bet you guys all hate me now. There go 99% of the candidates.

-A 12v trigger would be nice too, but it's not a make-or-break feature.

So far, through research and recommendations I've come up with the following, in order of price:

Classe Thirty
Linn LK-1
NAD 116
Classe Five

Anybody know of others? Any thoughts between these four?

The NAD fits every requirement but might not sound as nice as the others. It's also a lot harder to find! Some suggestions or comments would be so greatly appreciated!
I don't mean to be hostile, and apologies for the impression. Internet. There is some frustration however, as I said, with people ignoring the question to sell their own products, or telling me it's impossible even though I mentioned 4 suggestions I received from other forums.

The B&K looks pretty good, if I can find one at that price. Combine with a MC phono stage and I've got what, thanks for the suggestion!

I'm getting more and more tempted by a Classe 30 for sale locally. Any comments on it?
Who is selling his/er own product???

All that people here are (politely IMO) indicating is, the products you mention respectable tough they may be, will make yr sound worse.

So, some people racked their brains to suggest other, less detrimental product, that you may find slightly over budget -- or used within budget.

For that matter, and given yr budget, why are you so intent on purchasing an active pre-amplification stage??

All you need (by your own description) is a phono equaliser, a motorised volume pot & some switching capability -- and xlr connections. Really. Cheers
+++ Please stop pushing your own products that in no way fit what I asked for help finding +++

LOL, it is amazing everybody thinks the stuff they own is the best. Their stuff is most certainly not the best as the stuff I have happens to be the best! ;-)

I had a Classe 5 pre with phono stage some time ago and it wasn’t very quiet. It seemed to favor amps with high input sensitivity. No experience with the Linn or Nad.

BTW, I leave my tube phono on 24x7. So what the tubes wear – spend $30-$40 bucks every two years or so. No biggie.

"Please stop pushing your own products"

I wonder how much useful advice you think you are going to get unless folks actually own or have extensive experience in what they suggest?
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