Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
07-12-15: Runnin
The best separates are going to be superior to the best integrated
+ 1. As much as I love my current Vitus SIA-025 which I consider to be the most musical sounding ss class A integrated, I plan on upgrading to Vitus separates in the near future.
I also own the Vitus sia-025. Have no desire to go back to separates. Been there done that. Now just listen. Which is the whole point.
I'm just sayin ✌️
How do you buy a Vitus sia-025 or anything from them quite frankly? I went to their website and there is no US distributor or dealer.
I also have a pet peeve with companies that don't list the price. I understand they are expensive, but it would be nice to know the price I wanted to buy one at some point. Do they keep it a secret so they can charge different people different prices. If is ridiculously expensive those who can't afford it, can't afford it. Secret or no secret.
Mechans, I understand your frustration. Vitus at present have a smaller footprint in the US compared to Europe, Asia & Australia. Fyi, here is a link to their current US Dealers, although I believe USA Tube Audio in Arazona now also carry Vitus Audio. Re: publishing pricing. It is common for high end manufacturers not to publish prices on their website. Gryphon, Soulution, Dartzeel, Goldmund and Pass Labs are all the same. That is due to the exclusive nature of the products and sensitivities around Distribution contracts in different territories. Dartzeel publish their sales policy on their website which states that msrp prices in each country in the Distribution network are determined after taking into account freight and logistics costs, as well as the various taxes applicable in the country concerned. You can find a full Vitus price list here in Euro dollars. But yes, in the end if that gear is out of your reach, there are many other worthy contenders out there. Disclaimer: I have no relationship to Vitus Audio or any other high end manufacturer. Just a passionate audiophile. Hope that helps.
07-21-15: Whatthe
I also own the Vitus sia-025. Have no desire to go back to separates. Been there done that. Now just listen. Which is the whole point.
I'm just sayin ✌️
I hear whatthe you're saying bro. I've kind of been there and done that with integrated amps having owned 4, so for me it's time to evolve into separates. The SIA-025 has a good linestage derived from the SL-102, though of course the full SL-102 is a lot better. I also wanted a bit more control and power to drive my S5's which do like a bit of power, so it became an easy choice. Though the 025 is a remarkable integrated & replaced a Boulder 1060/1010 in my system.