My experience is with the integrated. I owned the original 50 watt v1, then upgraded to 100 watt v2, then upgraded to v2. I think the v2 is cleaner, clearer sounding, and more extended on top; possibly more extended on bottom not sure. Overall it is very noticable and I cannot hear any sonic downside to the upgrade.
Oddly the unit seems to get hotter on top than it used to. I read some place that with v2 on the integrated, the heat is redirected to the top of the unit instead of the bottom, for easier dissapation. I ran the unit 48 hours at substantial volume to break in some Thiel 1.6's and it got pretty warm. Not too hot to touch, but noticable. I do agree that venting the heat on top is better. I am surprised that a class D or class T or whatever would get so warm (It's not class A, right?). Anyway, I don't know if the monoblocks will have the same characteristic or not.