I've Fallen in Love With My Mistress

For sure I thought I was a loyal die-hard 2-channel guy. In my mind I was kind of smug, thinking that a 2-channel devotee was more serious about hi-fi than those home theater guys, and I could never be one of "them"....they just didn't seem to be purists like the 2-channel guys. But it seems I've been smitten by another pretty girl, a mistress....and her name is home theater. Maybe it's just an infatuation, but I'm loving it. Amazingly, I once viewed high end audio stores that started catering primarily to home theater enthusiasts as "sellouts". Now I understand. Over the past few years I've seen guys selling their equipment here saying that they're moving to home theater....and I thought that they must have been crazy.

I am spending much more time doing home theater now than 2-channel. The time I have to spend for home entertainment is not very much and HT is crowding out music listening. With Netflix providing so many movies, I can't seem to get enough. I have been trying to catch up on movies that I haven't seen over the years and I'm having a blast enjoying them. Watching movies doesn't leave a lot of time for 2-channel critical listening. I listen to my 2nd system during the day (mainly the tuner tuned to the local jazz station) while I work as background music (I work at home)and I barely listen to my main 2-channel rig at all any more. It has been months since I've plunked down in my listening chair and let the music take me away.

I have no plans to unload my 2-channel stuff, but I do feel kinda weird walking past my vinyl and cd's that has been my main source of home entertainment for decades. I feel like I'm cheating on someone that has been good to me.
Do what all good philanderders do -- KEEP THEM SEPARATED...

Then you can enjoy both.
No problem Mitch4t! we'll wait, you'll be back!!! :-)

You have cited you age so you have been around the block a time or two. So, you should know how to keep old faithful & the young butterfly happy at the SAME time! :-))

Have loads of fun.
Interesting thread. I agree with Audiofankj. I bet I can't come up with 10 movies that I would want to see again. I am also not a big fan of action movies. I also can't afford to do 2 channel right. For the past 8 years I think really good movies are next to non-existent.

I bet in the end you will be very happy to return to your old faithful 2 channel.
Well, I'm 50 so it's about time for me to stray (without any real logic of course) so rubberdoll.net here I come !

"What ? yes dear I'm on the computer, be down for dinner in a few minutes"