Poll - Active vs. Passive preamp

Thought it might be interesting to see who's using a passive vs. active linestage. List your total system value and/or components as well.

Have been enjoying a Supratek for about 8 months now. It is indeed a killer unit. Today, for kicks, I put the Prometheus TVC back in the system - it is pretty astounding how good it sounds at 1/10th the cost. I was very impressed (again). I'll withhold further comments.

I'd previously concluded that almost all really good higher-end systems use an active linestage. I wonder how true that statement is.
I'm waiting for my Promitheus TVC to come, so far one other TVC was not so impressive, now listening to a passive (diy from a friend until Promitheus arrival) though it's good it lacks dynamics. I think the matching is the "KEY" to this hobby. But something tells me that next year I should get the active preamp which was meant to be with my amp, unless Promitheus meet my expectations! (?)
I'm currently all passive, alternating between a Bent TVC and a Placette passive. I'll have a hard time going back to active.
I recently added a Sonic Euphoria transformer-based passive, and have noticed no lack of dynamics or gain. Clarity and transparency to the source are what I hear and enjoy. Have had fair active pres before (BAT VK 30 w/six-pac upgrade), and I am now hearing my system the best it has been. Using upgraded Marantz DV 8300, Genesis Digital Time Lens, Musical Fidelity A3/24 DAC, Aragon 3002 (300wpc) amp, driving Dynaudio
Contour 5.4 speakers. All electronic components upgraded by David Schulte. From what I'm hearing, I wonder why more people don't use passive pres. Mine is here to stay. Thanks, Dan
Passive (TVC) and, occasionally, active. Passive is in the system.
My cdp & phono output stages are quite powerful even though the amps are an average load, and I don't suffer from
...A bit more transparency vs. a bit more body.
as Paulfolbrecht notes above.
But then, I bi-amp my speakers -- maybe that makes a difference.
What is the downside, if any, to adding a buffer stage to an passive attneuator? A buffered passive preamp? And along those lines between a tube buffer and SS buffer? Between a buffer and a trandformer or autoformer passive?