Need an integrated with sub output.

I'd prefer a tubed integrated, but would settle for a solid state. Price range from $500 to $1400, but more importantly, one with the best sound quality bang for the buck. Naturally I'm not looking for an extravagant audiophile piece, just something with a nice sound in the mids and highs with a power output from 50 to 100 watts. Would consider lower wattage if SQ was at stake.


S. Hebert
The best tube piece I've had in a while is the Rogue the price it does everything I need as a one piece solution. Can be upgraded form 55wpc to 90wpc...and it's worth it! Comes w/ sub out (fixed and variable), phono and headphone amp to boot. Very hard to beat.

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Outlaw Audio RR2150. Its a receiver with 100 watts per channel. Check the online manual thats on the site.