cat jl3 signatures vs. atmashere ma2III's

Has anyone had the cahnce to hear these amps side by side? I was wondering what the sonic differences would be between them. I have heard the cat jL2 signature but have not heard the monoblocks. Do you think the atmasphere would give me the bass slam of the cats. I know both have great midrange and I know that the cat will be a little more "maintenance" but which one do you folks prefer and why? Any input would be much appreciated.
The only problem with the Marc Mickelson review of the CAT JL2 amps is that he says "I put the JL2 Signature Mk 2 with the Wilson Audio Alexandria X-2 and MAXX 2 speakers in a group of the finest audio components"

I'm not a Wislon basher, i like them...but wilson the FINEST speaker : cough cough...

The wilson have not the naturalness and the subtility of Avalon, maybe is why he doesn't heard the strong point of atma on CAT (?).

Although good review (and he takes position i like that), with so wonderful amplifiers it's too bad he hasn't tested them on two different speakers.
Sounds like two SOTA, outstanding products, that only a personal audition in your system can solve. There are many people who love and swear by both. No bad choice here, unless you have a really tricky speaker for the OTLs, the Escalantes obviously are not.
Samuel33, You must have miss read Marc's comment, " a group of the finest audio components." He didn't say the CAT or Wilson's were THE finest but in a "group of the finest." I think that's a broad statement and fair enough.
Another thing, in soundstage he tested these amplifiers with the Aurum Acoustics Integris CDP 's intern preamp (!) i'm not sure that it was a good moove...

Samuel33, I'm not sure what your concern is. In his review of the CAT JL2 Sig mk.2, Marc also used a CAT preamp and the ARC Ref 3 preamp. For the record, he wrote:
"I used the JL2 Signature Mk 2 with CAT SL1 Ultimate Mk 2 and Audio Research Reference 3 preamps, and the Aurum Acoustics Integris CDP CD player/preamp. Sources included an Audio Research Reference CD7 CD player, an Ayre Acoustics C-5xe universal player, and Zanden Audio's Model 5000 Signature DAC and 2000 Premium transport. Speakers were Wilson Audio WATT/Puppy 8s and MAXX 2s, and Verity Audio Lohengrin IIs. I had an abundance of amps on hand for comparison, including Lamm ML2.1 SET and M1.2 Reference hybrid monoblocks, Atma-Sphere MA-2 Mk III OTL monoblocks, an Audio Research Reference 110 stereo tube amp, and a Conrad-Johnson Premier 350 stereo solid-state amp."