Replace the Supratek Chardonnay with Accuphase?

Need your help to decide. I have the Supratek Chardonnay tube pre-amp paired with Accuphase A-60 power-amp. I was wondering if the Accuphase C-2410 pre would be a good replacement for the Chordanny?

Also, I have an Audionote DAC 3.1x Signature (unbalanced and moded) using the Marantaz CD-17 as the transport. I was thinking of replacing this pair with the Accuphase DP-500. your thoughts and suggetions appreciated.
sorry this is off the topic but how do you like the Accuphase A 60? how do you describe its sound?
It sounds warm- more towards sounding tube than SS. Its detailed and clean, the soundstage is large and the bass is quite deep.
It surely puts out much more power than 60 watts and drives my B&W 802 S3 with ease. The build quality and finish is just incredible.
I m no expert but in general tube amps compared to a SS *lack* bass
Actually it's the interface with the wrong spkrs that does that. BUT, anyway, you're speaking of the pre. Normally, there shouldn't be problems at one end of the spectrum (i.e bass) just because yr pre uses tubes. In fact tubes are quite good at amplifying small signals. It may be a characteristic of that particular pre -- but this is unlikely.
You've checked other parametres I assume (wires, source, etc)?
Jay, to me the Accuphase sounds though fluid also a bit "slow" with plumpy bass. I have had the A-50V the A-60's predecessor.
My ICEpower based monoamps sound more transparent, dynamic and tighter in the bass. I don't say that the Accuphase is a bad amp, no in contrary, it is a very good amp, better than Mark Levinson and Krell!

Jay461 - if you replace output caps with v-caps it improves the extension and detail in the bottom end - at least that is what it did in my cortese - there are some comments on it on the large supratek thread.
