You raise a very interesting and important question, "what is the BEST amplifier for Maggie 3.6R's" and any other speaker for that matter? The responses to your thread reveal that owners use: Spectron Musician, Bryston 7BST, McIntosh MC275V's, Cary V12's, PS Audio, Classe CAM 350's and McIntosh 402's. I personally use Electrocompaniet Nemo Monoblocks and my friend uses McIntosh and sometimes Art Audio tubes and Bedini. A quick search of the Virtual Systems shows that 3.6 owners also use: Wolcott, Audio Research VT100's, VT200's an110.2's, Parasound JC1's, ML 334, DK Design, Innersound, Classe, Plinius and Krell just to name a few. So I guess the answer your question is, there is no BEST amplifier, just one that let's you enjoy the music and a purchase that you are happy with. My personal opinion is that I think a lot of equipment will work well with each other more then most Audiophiles and Audiogoners believe. Except for any technical limitations of course. Either were all right, or most of us are wrong!
Good luck with your search.