Preamp/amp far superior to just int. amp.?

I am curious if there is that much of a jump up in sound quality if a person goes from an integrated amplifier setup to a preamp/amp setup within the same manufacturer? I realize this is a loaded question, and it is somewhat rhetorical, but I just wanted some feedback if I threw it out there.

The reason I am asking is because I am wondering what my next upgrade will be in the future (not near future), because I have an excellent budget amp (Rega Brio 3), but there will come a time when I go to a better integrated amp., or spend the same amount that I would spend on that int. amp. and perhaps buy a not as good brand's preamp/amp. What would give more bang for the buck for say, $2000? I guess that is my true question.
In the real world the integrated amp should work much better by subtracting the middle man, the interconnect cable between amp&pre.I would think a well built and executed integrated amp should sound better and be much easier to intergrate into our living arrangements.
At the 2000 mark I would go for the best used integrated that money can buy. If you have more to spend, then in my experience, nothing is better than what a world class preamp can bring to your system.
I recently went from a Plinius 8100 integrated to separates (Tube Technology tube preamp and Stan Warren SS amp). This combination was less than the Plinius and it sounds better. I really like the tube preamp and ss amp combination.

I think you have some really good options given your budget and I wouldn't put alot into cables.
I used to be a separates man and get better sound with depends on the equipment.
The reason separates are usually preferred is that the integrated equipment often shares power supplies. This get to be a bigger deal when the power supplies operate both channels. Additionally, a great deal *more* care has to be paid to ground loop and layout issues in integrated amps.

OTOH the connectivity issue brought up earlier is very real.

The ability to place your monoblock amplifiers near the speakers (keeping the speaker connection as short as possible) and then drive a longer interconnect from the preamp is where separates really shine. If you run balanced line to do this, most of the connectivity issues are overcome.