Preamp/amp far superior to just int. amp.?

I am curious if there is that much of a jump up in sound quality if a person goes from an integrated amplifier setup to a preamp/amp setup within the same manufacturer? I realize this is a loaded question, and it is somewhat rhetorical, but I just wanted some feedback if I threw it out there.

The reason I am asking is because I am wondering what my next upgrade will be in the future (not near future), because I have an excellent budget amp (Rega Brio 3), but there will come a time when I go to a better integrated amp., or spend the same amount that I would spend on that int. amp. and perhaps buy a not as good brand's preamp/amp. What would give more bang for the buck for say, $2000? I guess that is my true question.
Within a single manufacturers' line, spending more money will often get you better sound but not always. Also, you may have to pay a lot more money to get a small improvement in sound.

Manufacturers try to avoid giving better sound for less $ in their lines for obvious reasons.
In the real world the integrated amp should work much better by subtracting the middle man, the interconnect cable between amp&pre.I would think a well built and executed integrated amp should sound better and be much easier to intergrate into our living arrangements.
At the 2000 mark I would go for the best used integrated that money can buy. If you have more to spend, then in my experience, nothing is better than what a world class preamp can bring to your system.
I recently went from a Plinius 8100 integrated to separates (Tube Technology tube preamp and Stan Warren SS amp). This combination was less than the Plinius and it sounds better. I really like the tube preamp and ss amp combination.

I think you have some really good options given your budget and I wouldn't put alot into cables.
I used to be a separates man and get better sound with depends on the equipment.