Mac 275 questions........

After some months of up's and down's with my ASL Hurricanes (just seemed to never stay operational for longer then 2-3 months) I have decided o retire them and get the McIntosh MC 275 (2 amps).

I have some questions for you all and appreciate any input you may have (especially form Mac owners) but opened to all.
My speakers are Infinity RS 1-B's and I will be using the amps to drive the top end of the system (EMIM's and EMIT's). I have a Perreaux 3150B for the bass columns. The Infinities are rated at 4 ohms.
I plan to listen to one amp on top ( I will get one amp in a week) and then when I get the 2nd amp ( a week later) run both in mono.
What will I hear with each application? First with one and then with both? Also can any of you let me know if any of you compared the Mac 275 (in mono) 150 watts with the Hurricanes 200 wpc? The Hurricanes were great but I just could not live with them being up and down so many times.

Thanks to all for your input.

RWD (Rick)
Had the origanal and now have the new. Built like a tank, plays music, not real tubey but not harsh like some solid state gear.
Can drive most anything. Should be a good match with the Infinitys, especially used in the mono configuration.
My other Mac pieces are over 40 years old and going strong. Worth as much now as when new.
Hi Rick! I love mine. The new ones are actually 90+ watts/ch (180+ in mono) so I think one amp should be sufficient for all the EMIT's and EMIM's. And though having two separate power transformers is nice, the one in the new model is 490V (the old was 420V I think.)

Speaker cable choice is very important with stats and planar electrodynamic drivers like yours. They should have very low capcitance (< 40pF per foot) and inductance, and they should actually have a little resistance.

The only cautionary note for the 275 is: Lose the OEM tubes immediately! (Save them for resale;-) The McRussian power tubes blow up regularly (and sound crappy) and the McChina signal tubes can go gassy and blow up a power tube (and they also sound crappy ;-)

If you need more info, let me know.

Hi Neil, Thanks for the response. Which tubes are you referring to...the KT88's? What do you recommed? I have someone who works in NY for a tube dealship so I might be able to get some new tubes at a savings. Your comments are valuable!
My (moderate priced) tube recommendation would be a quad of the new reissue Gold Lion KT88 (about $200) and some NOS Telefunkens for the 12AX7's and 12AT7's. If you'll send me your email address, I'll give you more details when I have some time.