ARC Ref 3, Rowland Concerto, or Capri line stage?

Has anyone had the opportunity of comparing the ARC Reference 3 side-by-side with the Rowland Concerto linestage or the Rowland Capri? If you have, please post your comparative findings. I own and love the Ref 3, but I have heard the Concerto at RMAF and found it to be wonderful. I have also heard rumours that the little Capri may even exceed the Concerto's performance.

My current system is balanced and consists of TEAC X-01 Limited, ARC Ref 3, Rowland 7M monos, Vienna Mahler speakers. I listen mostly to classical--80% of it chamber music.

I'm going to ignore your request for information regarding the Rowland vs ARC Ref3 and just tell you there is nothing better than a CAT....... smiles!


PS how are you doing, BTW
I owned the Concerto for about two years paired with Parasound JC1 amps and Magnepan MG3.6r speakers. It is a nice linestage, but it is likely not comparable to the Ref-3. I did not compare them directly, but I did compare the Concerto to the BAT VK31SE and VK51SE in my dedicated room. Both BAT preamps were significantly better in almost all respects, save one...the Concerto was a little "smoother". The Concerto also masked low-level detail, was less dynamice in both micro and macro senses, and was not as extended compared to the BATS. Tonally the BATS were more correct to my ears as well. I did love the Concerto remote...solidly built and simple.

I know this wasn't a direct answer to your post, but we are getting closer me thinks? ;-)
Thank you Germanboxers, your answer is actually very useful. I do admit that a Ref 3 vs Concerto/Capri comparison is unusual to say the least. Guido
I switched from BAT 51SE to Ref 3 and I can def say that it is miles better.