Here's one. The digital power supply is noisy. My amp builder makes amps of
both modules. The newest module has cut distortion and noise by half. They
gave this module a different designation. There is a built in noise and distortion
filter in the module. It has to be there.
The analog power supply is just that. It operates just like class A in that it
contains all power that the module needs under any load and any loudness. It is
not an amp.
The ICE amp is analog, and not digital. Read their white papers.
both modules. The newest module has cut distortion and noise by half. They
gave this module a different designation. There is a built in noise and distortion
filter in the module. It has to be there.
The analog power supply is just that. It operates just like class A in that it
contains all power that the module needs under any load and any loudness. It is
not an amp.
The ICE amp is analog, and not digital. Read their white papers.