Muralman - I don't know how many times I have to repeat that - CLASS D IS SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY. Switching itself does not make class D or SMPS digital. Both of them are exactly the same thing.
There is very little noise in properly designed SMPS (my Rowland 102 has 110dB S/N).
Noise is at non audible frequency
This frequency is easy to filter out (that's why Rowland uses it in preamps instead of linear
AS for linear power supply - it is not class A. Class A is an active regulated supply while linear PS in neither active nor regulated (line and load). It produces 120Hz ripple in-spite of huge number of capacitors. There are good and bad realization of each technology but the fact is that linear one is unregulated.
There is very little noise in properly designed SMPS (my Rowland 102 has 110dB S/N).
Noise is at non audible frequency
This frequency is easy to filter out (that's why Rowland uses it in preamps instead of linear
AS for linear power supply - it is not class A. Class A is an active regulated supply while linear PS in neither active nor regulated (line and load). It produces 120Hz ripple in-spite of huge number of capacitors. There are good and bad realization of each technology but the fact is that linear one is unregulated.