Modwright LS-36.5 vs Hovland HP-100 / HP-200

I'm considering Modwright LS-36.5 or Hovland HP-100 or HP-200 preamp for my system.

Please advice for experiences, comments are welcome.

If you choose the '100, the "Tape" input is the most transparent(they don't tell you that in the manual).
I own the ModWright LS-36.5 and its companion PS-36.5 power supply and can tell you that as good as my SWL 9.0SE is this new combo simply blows it away on all counts! If you like your music to sound realistic and natural then this combo is formidable.
I love my Hovland 100 pre amp and have for the last 5 years. It's time for new
line stage tubes... any recommendations??