Should I get the Art Audio Jota

I'm seeking advise on what I would think should be an upgrade. Would the move from a cj Premier 11a to an Art Audio Jota (high current model) be recommendable within my system.

Modwright 9100ES W/ Platinum Truth cdp
cj 17LS Pre
JM Lab Mini Utopias
Siltech G3 interconnect and speaker cable
A sideways move at best. Not enough power for this speaker. Most small speakers need more jump to come alive. They will play but you will lose most of your dynamic range. If you are also going to change speakers that might be a different matter.
I think the amp speaker match will work well. I own a pair of Micro-Utopia's that I can drive to deafening levels with 24 tube watts. Though not exactly the same as the Mini, I'm guessing the electrical specs, sensitivity and impedance, are nearly the same. And the Jota should be a significant upgrade over the 11A. I used to own the 11A and I've owned many amps since that better it, as the Jota will as well. Good luck and happy listening!
Jbello is simply incorrect.

The Jota will drive the Mini Utopias effortlessly. I've driven far more difficult loads to paint peeling levels with it.

Disclaimer: Art Audio retailer.
Thank you for your posts everyone. Does anyone else feel like Misskuma - that the cj/AA pairing doesn't work?
Phaelon, I have read from the review in 'Enjoy the music' that the CJ 17 LS inverts the phase. You need to take that into consideration and reverse the speaker terminal connections.
The Jota has an input sensitivity at 400 mV (0.4V). This would mean that probably you can run the Jota without a line stage by either:
- use a passive volume control stepped attenuator and selector like Goldpoint or other passive pre-amp or
- order the Jota with that same type attenuator (if your intention is to order it).
Then you may just not need the CJ.