Tube amp for Magnepan 3.5 with autoformers.

I just purchased a set of 3.5s and am using a Plinius 9200. I would like to get a tube amp but know Maggies need alot of power. I am considering Speltz autoformers. Any sugesstions? I don't know how much power I will need with the autoformers. Am I better off without the autoformers as I have no experience with them? My budget is under $2500 used. I listen to mainly accoustic, female vocals, and jazz but do listen to some rock and classical. My room is 17 x 28. Would I be better off with a tube pre and a ss amp? I know there are alot of threads on Maggies and amps but would like to hear some fresh ideas.

Thanks, Pal.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
i gave up trying to drive my maggies 1.6 with tubes. i had Rogue m120 and it was not enough, just too blah sounding though with very sweet tone. surprisingly manley stingray worked well with a lively sound but still not very loud. i ended up selling them and now own 97db audio note speakers and set amp

something like Atmosphere otl amps would work well i imagine

btw i did try the autoformers and liked them but not enough of an improvement
I too have 3.5Rs. 3 weeks ago I bought Wyred 4 Sound SX 500s which I am using on my mid/bass panels. I am using a PS Audio GCA 250- Level 2 mod by Underwood on the ribbons (it is for sale). The only tubes in my rig are in the Raysonic 168. I also use an active XO to attenuate the XO points and volume of each amp. It's killer!
I’m a believer in tubes (preamp & amp) but don’t sell short your Plinius 9200!
You might find out that the sound that comes out of your 3.5’s is more desirable from the tube-like sound from your Plinius than from less expensive tube amps.
Just a thought.
Best regards…
Try some Art Audio amps,call Joe Fratus he is very
knowledgeable on this issue.His amps are really good.
I do own the Concierto paired with my Diapason.