Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism

The 300B amp that I am using has a magical euphoric (not euphonic) realism and I am looking for a linestage and phonostage with the same qualities. The amp is not euphonic, romantic, 'golden', 'vintage,' soft, fuzzy, or veiled. It is immediate, transparent and fast, yet beautiful, 'human,' and emotionally communicative.

I have tried the top models from each of the following maufacturers so there is no need to suggest these:

Jeff Rowland

The preamp must be tubed and not passive.
Thanks Pubul57.

I owned a Sira many years ago and though it was noisy, I loved the way it lit-up the soundstage with ambient information.

You mention the ANUK M-8. Do you know if it is similar to the ANJ M-77? Someone recently warned me that ANJ equipment with all silver wiring might "rip my head off" considering the speakers I use. Before that warning, I'd never heard of ANJ being bright, brittle, or strident. Having said that, I have no love for silver wiring in cables.

I have heard one of contending ANJ models, but I don't recall the specific model number. It was a little brighter than a comparably priced ANuk model, but, it was certainly not excessively bright or strident. I liked it a lot.

The Epifania and Sira are VERY different sounding. Both do have a nicely "lit-up" soundstage, but the Epifania is not nearly as "colored" as the Sira -- it is neutral,not warmer than neutral,unlike the Sira, and sounds MUCH more articulate, fast and nimble. I think it is a major step beyond the Sira, but, the price reflects this improvement.
Look into a triode corp. trv-4se (limited). I find it to have the qualities you are looking for. These are new to the states.