Tube Pre-amp BAT, ARC, EAR, Sonic Frontiers

Hello everybody
My system is:
Accuphase dp-57
Electrocompaniet AW120
Usher Audio CP-6381

I need a preamp. After reading lots of topics i marked personally: BAT, Sonic Frontiers, ARC and EAR pre-amps. Does anyone have any ideas which one could match better? Or maybe another suggestion?
Unfortunatly I have no possibility to listen to them in my system. EAR is an exeption. I will listen to EAR-864 tomorrow. But I am more inspired of SF and BAT.
ARC, sweet and a good value. EAR while a good unit, is outrageously priced now with the pound/dollar relationship. If you still want it I suggest you order from a UK dealer and safe the 20% VAT. Beware of used EAR, very expensive to service.
I recently purchased a Belles 21A after having an ARC LS-25 Mk II and the Modwright 9.0 with tube rectified power supply. In my system the Belles is the equal, if not better, than the two of those. The Belles is an underrated gem.
what is your system, Kira?
I respect Belles as well. I heard all the best about solid state but never heard anything about their tube preamps though. Could you compare ARC and Belles in more detail?
Some of my friends warned me that ARC sometimes could sound dry.
Snarkonmars, take a look at my review of the Flora preamp here on the GON, that will give the details why I chose it over many other highly regarded linestages. It is also a price "killer" at $3000.00 compared to much more expensive pieces that it out performs sonicly.