The use of a Spectral preamp is not mandatory with the S series of universal amps, 160s, 250s and 360s. They have a input buffer. Running a standard Spectral amp without a Spectral preamp can lead to amp stability issues per Spectral. The standard amps are said to have more resolution. Per my own experience with Spectral I have found that the early preamps,(DMC-10 series, 12, 20 series and the base 30 model were leaner and do not have the refinement of the DMC-15, 30SL,etc. I am not surprised that the Nagra PL-L tube pre sounded great.
The use of a Spectral preamp is not mandatory with the S series of universal amps, 160s, 250s and 360s. They have a input buffer. Running a standard Spectral amp without a Spectral preamp can lead to amp stability issues per Spectral. The standard amps are said to have more resolution. Per my own experience with Spectral I have found that the early preamps,(DMC-10 series, 12, 20 series and the base 30 model were leaner and do not have the refinement of the DMC-15, 30SL,etc. I am not surprised that the Nagra PL-L tube pre sounded great.