Spectral DMA 180 Questions


I currently use a Spectral DMA 50 power amp in a system that includes Thiel 1.6, Spectral DMC 15, Krell CD 300, and a project RM 5 running through a mccromack phono pre, with MIT cabling throughout.

I got the DMA 50 used several years ago, and it's fantastic. It was much more informative and fuller than the McCormack dna 0.5 I'd been using with the thiels, and it erased any remaining brightness that was there with the mccormack.

I now have the upgrade bug, and I'm considering replacing the DMA 50 with a spectral DMA 180, given that it has a more evolved design, more power, which might result in better bass and more accurate presentations overall. I've heard that the DMA 180 is on the warm side, as is the DMA 50, and I'd prefer this with the thiels. My questions :

1. What is the difference between the DMA 180 series 1 and 2, sonically?

2. What are the opinions in general of the DMA 180? Should I be considering other spectrals, such as the 100, 150 or 90?

3. As far as warmth, would the DMA 180 be a decent match with the thiel 1.6, which can sound bright with the wrong electronics. In my current setupd, there's no problem with brightness or fatigue.

I listen to rock, classical chamber and orchestral music, and old jazz.
Is it recommended to use balanced ICs with Spectral gear ? I've noticed that they have balanced inputs as well.
The Balanced inputs can be used with Spectral amps, preamps, etc. Spectral recommends using the rca unless you are running very long int. I have never demoed balanced int with Spectral but have been told by others that you my lose some resolution. There is another thread that discuses this issue.
The 180 is a real powerhouse capable of very refined sound.
It requires decent AC conditioning, but so do nearly all other amps to sound their best.
Mine have revealed increased musical enjoyment with every upgrade I've provided. Feel free to contact me.ATB.
Hey, Robert. If you ever decide to sell, let me know. I have missed the DMA50 ever since I sold it to you! I am just getting back into audio after my wife and I purchased our new home and now have a dedicated room for audio/home theater. Regardless of your decision, I would be interested in knowing how you think the DMA50 and 180 compare. Tim
Very interesting everyone since I’m also doing research on Spectral Audio, but at the stage of my life I need to keep it simple, thanks!…Rob