Tube preamp suggestions.

I would love to hear from anyone who has heard individually or compared good tube preamplifiers lately. I was dead set on getting the Wyetech but is is so much money for a line stage only. I am very happy with the way my system sounds in general but would like to experiment with tubes as my whole system has been entirely solid state except for my phono pre. I love all types of music but especially enjoy ambient electronic music, classical music, and jazz. I am tempted by the ease of having a remote control and lots of features but the truth is I want the best sound quality. I like crystal clarity, holographic, engaging sound so a tube preamp that is still accurate and with a lot of coloration would be great.

Here is my short list of potential tube preamps:

Wyetech Labs New Jade
Atmasphere MP3
Joule Electra LA150 (maybe used)
McIntosh C2200 (maybe used)

My current system is:
Audio Physic Virgo 3 loudspeaker
Spectron Musician 3 signature edition
Edge Electronics G1 solid state preamplifier
Resolution Audio Opus 21 CDP
Tara Labs RSC Interconnects
Isoclean Power cords

Thanks for you input.
I have a Spectron Musician III SE amp (also) driving either Quad ESL 63s, Soliloquy 5.0s', or Magnepan 3.6/20Rs'. Over the past two years I have experimented with a host of tube linestages in my system including, Modwright SWL 9.0SE with tube rectification and modwright cap upgrade, Cary SPL 98 with direct coupling, deHalviland UltraVerve, the minmax pre, Odyssey Candella, and currently a Supratek Syrah. All of the tube amps were great and all mated well with and added to the Spectron but the Supratek is just special and an amazing synergy with the Musician III SE. If your partner doesn't mind its looks I recommend it highly. The Syrah has phono stage and remote. The Supratek Chardonnay is the linestage only and comes up on Audigon occasionally for ~ $1600-$1800.
I had a BAT VK5i for years and it has the kind of sound you're looking for....6922 tubes and fun to roll as well...great build quality and not super expensive used.If I had to get a pre again that's what I'd buy.
I've owned both the Atma-Sphere and the Joule 150(as well as the Joule 100 mk3). They are both fine but different.

IN MY SYSTEM, the Atma-Sphere's strengths were its ability to drive long cable runs thru its balanced outputs, clear articulation of complex music and natural timbre. It's relative weaknesses were noisier phono stage and quirky sensitivity(e.g. tubes that made noise, but tilt them slightly and problems disappears).

The Joule had a bit of warm tube coloration, which was pleasant, but less accurate. It also portrays a tremendous ability to convey the depth & body of each instrument. Phono stage was very sensitive to RFI, and this led me to sell it, due to living in a high RFI area.

Both are very holographic with big soundstage and good imaging.

FWIW, right now I'm using a Herron preamp and like it best of all.

I've also owned a BAT vk5i and would say it is not close to being competitive w/either the MP3 or LA150, although their newer and more costly models might be. Cheers,
Thanks for all of your suggestions. I failed to mention before that my max budget for a tube pre is around 5k. I don't want to spend that much if possible but would like to avoid buying something as a pacifier then getting the urge to resell a year later. Thanks again!