EQ before Preamp?

I am switching my preamp from a Parasound P3 to a Jungson model that does not have a processor/tape loop like the Parasound does. What will happen when I use this signal path: Linn Kremlin > Behringer 2496 EQ > Jungson Preamp > Power Amp.
Okay Bob, I guess I was weirding out last night, my apologies to you. I understand what you are saying and in a tape loop, I am still not sure that the siganl is first presented to the preamp. Anyway, what I am saying is that when the setup has the input signal going to the preamp first, the equalizer will then have the actual input signal that would be directed to the power amp then to the speakers in it's pure form, which is the way it would be if there were no equalizer.
I used to put my Behringer before my tube pre-amp, that way the ss DEQ didn't mess with the "magic" tube pre/ss amp sound.

If you run the Behringer's room correction, it's correcting what comes out of the speakers. It shouldn't matter where it is in the path.
The advantage of having the EQ after the preamp is that you can then correct all your sources. Putting it between one source and the preamp only corrects that source .If you only use one source then you have the option of doing either.
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Good point Ait! I was inputing two sources into the DEQ and switching them from there.