Where you place the Behringer should in some way depend on what your source components are. If all your source components are digital (using digital outputs), then you can place the Behringer before the preamp, and if you have an external DAC, place the DAC between the Behringer and the preamp (or use the Behringer's built in DAC). In this way, you are not putting your digital sources through an A-D conversion. If you place the Behringer between preamp and amp, then all inputs sources will get an A-D, then a D-A conversion in the Behringer, since the unit does it's processing in the digital domain. If you have a mix of analog and digital sources, you might still be better off putting the Behringer before the preamp, since digital sources won't get the extra D-A and A-D conversions since you can run the digital out right into the Behringer. In either placememnt, all analog sources will be put through a A-D and D-A conversion. Keep in mind of course, that if you put the Behringer before the preamp to take advantage of direct digital sources, the Behringer must have enough inputs to handle all your sources.