should not be an anechoic chamber. Overdamping will kill the dynamics and will muffle everything. You don't want that.
Placing narrow panels such as Eighth Nerve Seams in the corners(between ceiling and floor) behind the speakers could do wonders. If you add the Triangles up by the ceiling above the Seams, this will tame the reflections nicely. Place a rug on the floor as well.
Changing cables or amps or any other piece of equipment will not do much, if anything. If the room isn't right, everything else is pretty much a waste. Besides, the better your system gets the more this problem will be obvious.
Placing narrow panels such as Eighth Nerve Seams in the corners(between ceiling and floor) behind the speakers could do wonders. If you add the Triangles up by the ceiling above the Seams, this will tame the reflections nicely. Place a rug on the floor as well.
Changing cables or amps or any other piece of equipment will not do much, if anything. If the room isn't right, everything else is pretty much a waste. Besides, the better your system gets the more this problem will be obvious.