Conrad Johnson CA200 vs. Mcintosh MA6900

Speakers are Proac 3.8. I'm going to a solid state integrated from tube monos to simplify my life. What else do you recommend for under $3500 used? I prefer to stay with a major brand for long term support and resale value.
Music taste is Miles, to Allman Bros. to Van Morrison to Hendrix.
even though i love the mac proac and cj are a magic combo...the new van morrison re-issues on cd will be the cherry on the icing on the cake.
I've got a c-j CA200. It is a really nice sounding integrated. No harshness or grain. I'm not familiar with the Mac or the Mac house sound. Some people like it some don't.

The c-j has one quirk, it doesn't have a power button. You press the mute button on the face or remote for 3 seconds to turn it on and off.
Tomcy6, Is this to wake the unit from standby mode? I like that feature, solid state amps can take a long time to warm up, but three seconds can be a long time to hold a button.
I don't think you could go wrong with either. If it were me, I'd probably get the cj. Its a tough call though. The mcintosh I think will hold more value. The mcintosh also I think will have more bottom end power. Its a toss up for me, flip a coin.

I seriously considered both units and after listening ended up with the ARC VSi-55. It all comes down to synergy I guess. To each his own.

Good luck.