Please suggest integrated for large space

I have a 15 X 32 space divided by a half-wall that also adjoins an entryway with two-story ceiling. I'm happy with the sound of my Creek 5350 se, Opera Consonance Linear 120 and Silverline 17.5's but the sytem lacks power to attain desired volume levels with many cd's. I could buy another 5350 se and bi-amp but would appreciate some alternate suggestions. I can afford $ 1600. Roksan Kandy ? PS Audio C-100 ? Quinpo A-8000 ? Cambridge 840 azur? Others? Thanks!
I've owned the Roksan Kandy III and don't believe it will do it for you. How about the Musical Fidelity A-5 integrated. They are close to your price (used). Also, there are quite a few listed. If that doesn't scare you away the 250 watts per side should be enough.
Maybe some bigger Silverlines could help fill the room.
Well, Timru, I'm not ready to change out the speakers, seeing as I just bought them. But many thanks for the tip re: the Musical Fidelity!