Please suggest integrated for large space

I have a 15 X 32 space divided by a half-wall that also adjoins an entryway with two-story ceiling. I'm happy with the sound of my Creek 5350 se, Opera Consonance Linear 120 and Silverline 17.5's but the sytem lacks power to attain desired volume levels with many cd's. I could buy another 5350 se and bi-amp but would appreciate some alternate suggestions. I can afford $ 1600. Roksan Kandy ? PS Audio C-100 ? Quinpo A-8000 ? Cambridge 840 azur? Others? Thanks!
Its hard for me to imagine that a monitor could move enough air in that very large space. I don't think more watts is your issue. You could try a powered subwoofer or two, with a high pass filter to your silverlines. You can only move so much air with a 7" woofer. Plus it should present your main amp with a much easier task if it does not have to try and reproduce the low bass. I would try that first, before you spend $ on a bigger amp.
I have a PS Audio GCC 250 that I bought for my 2 channel system when I was on a simplify kick. Since then I got Magnepans and had to biamp them to get the magic. Now the GCC 250 is overkill in my 2 channel video system. Let me know if you are interested. I do not have an ad here
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