fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
Prove it with statistics? Last I noticed, I wasn't listening to statistics.
What I don't understand is what is there to prove? I can guarantee easily noticed in my system, I put it on a certain volume level, I get a bit of a upper bass "Buzz" for example.. With the new fuses in place its gone, I put back the old, its back.. How much easier do you want it to be? I mean seriously I will not go on to say everything is night and day, but there is some notable difference within the same music I play over and over making it easy to tell when something is out of place or not...

It really sometimes is not that difficult, no doubt several cables and other items can be very difficult to tell one way or the other in some cases, the fuses can be too, but there is about lets say 10 things you listen for, now you go to the better fuse and 5 of those things have changed slightly for the better..

Well simple enough its just a little better device feeding your power and obviously the professionals are right when it comes to audio gear, THE POWER SUPPLY might just be that important in your sound results, and this is directly in line with it being a fuse :-)

Oh and if that is not a good enough reason to try, well here you go, believe it or not dynamically we all probably hear things a little different, so music testing might be difficult for some to hear.. However in the case of the fuses I had the originals in and would always get a pretty distinct and a low audible hum and hiss... Well now the HUM is gone completley and the hiss is reduced to putting your ear on the speaker, put back the old fuses and the hum is back... Basically the effect was like lifting your Ground with a cheater plug in some systems... Probably because the the cheap element and being hair thin robs the system of some kinda mircro level current to the transformer, who knows?

And again I am simply illustrating they are effective, maybe not necessary, maybe not even sonically superior, but they do change something! Thats my 2 cents oh sorry 39 dollars worth!!

Nobody should expect miracles for 39 cents or 39 bucks in this business, for 3900 we will talk...

By the way I think many just won't try them not only due to cost, but because you can't order these as a mistake and return them, meaning wrong size(physically or amperage), not knowing whether you will find the right direction if it is effective, and just can't be returned if you simply don't like them, and you eat the cost, so I understand.

Well said. I have similar success with some Isoclean fuses. Those who debates the recipe will miss out on the cake.


I'm with Dopogue here, prove it with statistics? The most ridiculous statement ever made for highend audio! You can't hear statistics nor can you hear specifications!
In this hobby, in the final analysis, subjectivity and anecdotal is the rule. Its about what other people have experienced and heard. Sure, some people use spec's as one guide to evaluate a component but when you're talking about tweaks, its about what others have experienced and then you try it for youself.
What spec. is there to measure here? I mean fact is they are amperage rated fuses, ones that are or are not rated to protect your equipment, made from a little more exotic and sustantial sized current conducting materials over a very cheap fuse, does the same job, with a better (or at least predicted better) material and quality. So what? Is somebody going to do a crazy test on a 39 dollar expendable component? Which by the way that is a good point to bring up as this is one of the Few EXPENDABLE audio components along with tubes, and turntable cartridges maybe really being the only other… Most other electrical devices are really designed for pretty close to a lifetime use, (Capacitors are arguable) I mean a fuse or tube can fail anytime under the conditions. I don't know what people want proven in this case, its not trying to sell a 2000 dollar power cable… Or a clock that sits in the room and magically changes the humidity and velocity of the air in your room hoping for better acoustics! It’s a small electrical device feeding your transformer and protecting it..

Try it or don't, who cares? This is by far the silliest argument, Tubes vs. solid state, Horns vs. Electrostatic.. Digital vs. Analog, lets go all day there are several factors involved, in this case we are talking about a very small, but possibly significant weak link in power conduction, simple.

I can agree the apprehension on many peoples parts is the cost to outfit a whole system with something like this.. They should be about 11 or 13 bucks each or something...