How often do you swap out equipment in general

It seems to me that after a good while of listening, I start getting itchy and start moving
stuff around about every month or so. Do I need to get
some extra strength Gold Bond, or is this normal for "US" ???
I think I'm pretty bad, but guess I'm not much worse than others. Still, what good is an addict comparing his addiction to another addict?

I've owned 4 speakers, 5 amps, 5 preamps, 3 sets of cables, 6 different sources in the last 4 years. I've had problems with damage happening during shipping that has kept me from wanting to change speakers again, especially now that I've found a setup I really like. My current setup was bought at price poitns that make it hard for me to upgrade and get a noticeable benefit without spending a ton of $$, so like Tboooe, I think I'm done now for a while. I've turned to experimenting w/ new music and new tweaks + tubes.
current setup was bought at price poitns that make it hard for me to upgrade and get a noticeable benefit without spending a ton of $$
That's the point. I live comfortably enough but there comes a point where upgrading is much more about the audio jewelry than about the music. My system sounds so good to me now I think money is better used elsewhere. (Kids in college)
I agree with Dennis_the_menace and timrhu. I just dont think I will get a major improvement without spending mega bucks, which of course I am unwilling to do (reality check: just 3 short years ago I almost choked at the thought of spending $2K on a cdp, now my cables cost that much!). Now that my system is stable its been fun focusing on other hobbies that took a back seat while I went crazy putting together my system. For example, this year we outfitted the family with all new snowboarding gear and clothing. It was expensive but well worth it as we had a great time snowboarding this year. Anyway, I am sure my system will stay stable for a few years until I go nuts again and spend a small fortune to upgrade everything. I am looking forward to it!