Hybrid - Tube / SS amp capable of sub 1 Ohm loads?

I've done searches and haven't found anything that really discusses this.

There are a few options that I've seen that are Hybrid that will do this, for example:The Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000.

That amp is getting old, is there anything more modern that will accomplish this? Am I chasing a pipe dream here? The Lamm series claims to be able to do it but it will not in reality. I know people that has had these and tried to run them on an Apogee Scintilla and it pooped out.

There might be some tube-amps that can operate with a such load, but they are more voltage driven, not current and the Scintilla needs current.


I read that the Accuphase Class A amps like the A60 can go as low as 1 ohm. Might be worth looking into
YBA Passion 1000 monoblocks and YBA Signature 4 chasis amp goes to 0,7 Ohm. http://www.yba.fr/uk/YBA_detail_don.php?id_produit=3&id_ligne=1
If you find a tube amp that can in fact do it and do it well, let me know. If it works with your Apogees, it would probably also work with the big Ohms in my system.

I'd look into the class D suggestion further as an alternative.