how long should you use tubes in an amp?

As tubes age and they lose power, is the degradation linear? My Mesa Baron uses 6 tubes per channel, and the speakers are efficient so I never use more than 10% of the output power, even on peaks, even in all-triode mode - and most of the time, it's far less. The Baron has meters, so it's easy to see this (in fact, it has switches to reduce the meter range by a factor of ten - they would never budge, otherwise). So if no more than a fraction of the full output power of the tubes is required, why not use them well past their "normal" lifespan - and just turn up the volume? Do the tubes lose some dynamic or other capability, or is it just a "smooth" decline in power?
Thanks, all. Sensible advice (I assume that Rothmanbrad was more or less joking, but that his point was "pick an answer in the ballpark and don't obsess about it" - entirely reasonable, imho - then again, the Baron uses 12 output tubes, so replacement with nos is not exactly a trivial expense - so far, I prefer Siemans EL34's). I forgot that Mr. Smith addressed the issue in the manual; indeed, who would know better? I rebiased (easy on a Baron) and will forget about it for another year. I do keep spare sets, but they all sound a little different.
Newbee is right as usual. Tube life quite generally depends on the quality of the tube and the design parameters of the component the tube is used in. The trick with a spare set of new tubes to test the ones you are using is foolproof and reliable. I could kick myself for not having thought of that before...and I thought, that I was a seasoned audionut.....Thanks Newbee.
Lloydc, I have found the Siemens EL34 to be the best in my Music Reference RM9 Special, whihc fortunately is suppose to get 10,000 hours on the output tubes, maybe longer on my easy to drive Merlin VSMs.