Flea SET amp for Shindo Aurieges

I'm coming over from SS land and new to tubes so hope you guys can help me. I'm considering getting a flea powered SET amp to go with my Shindo Aurieges preamp. The Shindo SET are out of my reach at the moment so I'm looking for alternatives that will mate will with the Shindo's high output impedance (5,000 Ohms) and also do it justice. Is there anything out there for about $2K used that would fit the bill? I listen to a wide variety of music - from jazz to electronic and large orchestral pieces so I'm looking for something with a velvet hammer with good control over the bass if thats possible. I've been considering the Audio Note Quests, is this a good match and are there any other suggestions?
As Jaybo so succinctly stated, when making your first venture into SET-land, start with your speakers and they will dictate your amp choices.

BTW, "flea power" to most people means anything under 20wpc, but to SET fanatics, that usually means 2wpc or less - the lunatic fringe. (joke)

One thing you have working for you is a (relatively) moderate sized room. Getting tight deep bass will be much easier with decent-sized hi-eff speakers.

do you C&C subs work well with your speakers?
Yes, but my room was nearly twice the volume of yours and opened on one side down onto my dining room of equal size. The advantage of two subwoofers is that they tend to cancel out a lot of problems caused by a single sub, though setup can be a bear to get right.

When you say I need to spend a lot of money, how much are you talking about?
Shindo makes really high quality components, getting amps and speakers of equal performance/quality will cost you, or, take some serious homework and patience to achieve at a lower cost.

Also, "Slam" is something that SET systems don't do particularly well at any cost. Getting bass equal or similar to what you are used to with the Gerschwins will not be easy. SET is a system of tradeoffs, a little less bass production can get you a lot more of everything else, musically.

Audio Note, Omega, and Zu are great speakers, but there is no way you will ever get the same level of bass output as your Gerschwins with higher powered amps without far larger cabinets(excluding Zu's Definitions which have built-in bass amps/subwoofers). We are talking about smaller drivers and/or smaller cabinets with less power, simply no way.

So, I really, really, suggest that you look into hi-eff speakers before buying an amp. See what the benefits and limitations are first. Decide on a size appropriate for your room and musical tastes, then look for amps. Otherwise, you may end up unable to drive your speakers well enough to satisfy your musical needs.

Once you get that settled, there is quite a large selection of high quality SET amps we can help guide you through.
Dark: I agree with your advice, I will look into HE speakers first to make sure I like the sound.

Gmood: the Brines you recommend look very interesting! The prices also seem very reasonable, if I can get them shipped here to Toronto it would be great. I notice you have some mods on your speakers, did Brines do these for you or did you do it yourself? What are the benefits of these mods? I would hate to buy them unheard though, wonder if its possible to audition them here in Toronto first. If not, is there another speaker with a similar sound, eg Lowther? so that I can be sure that I like the SD sound?

the classic marantz can be bettered by a mac mc275 and a host of other push pull designs that are more articulate(but jeez, its an 8b). the speakers however are pretty incredible too. going to the ones you've mentioned just to accomodate an amp, may be fun for awhile, but the gershmans will haunt you in years to come.
one more thing on your way to SETville...wave goodbye to real bass.....unless as stated, the new speakers are larger than than a refrigerator
Jaybo: coincidentally a friend brought over his MC275 the other day, and you're right its a lot more detailed and articulate. Now you have me second guessing myself about selling the Gershmans, they are pretty damn good and I don't want to have buyers remorse in 6 months.