I'd think seriously about a Tube integrated - and while 50-60 w/c would be nice, 30 will do just fine. I had played Sttafs for a short while on a vintage Fisher tube integrated. It was rated at ~20w/ch and it drove the Sttafs very nicely. Unless you want to rock out (which Sttafs don't do in the first place) you can do very nicely with 20-30 w/ch. If you only need one input the TAD 60 would be amazing with the Sttafs. Otherwise there's an abundance of tube integrated in the <$1000 price range (used), and some ~$500 range that would be worth a try IMHO. I no longer have the Sttafs, but I've driven my Mani-2s with my TAD 60 running in triode mode (30 w/c) and it was quite nice. The Manis are much harder to drive than the Staffs.